As the world has progressed and newer technologies have made life easier for mankind, the gender disparities have increasingly surfaced and showed up in every aspect of life.
Perhaps due to increased media awareness and their pro women activism, there has been an increased reporting of issues and events relating to women, of course with an enhanced coverage of crimes against women.
Need for active interventions at various levels are now blatantly apparent. Infact,it could be safely said that there is express need for serious action to support the cause of the women not only all along their lifecycle but even before the female child is born. The list of interventions required is marked with the different stages of the life and pre life of a female, including- prevention of female feticide and infanticide, care of abandoned neo natal females, ensuring equal opportunities right from early schooling and nutrition of female child, adolescent counseling and care, support to destitute women, care of issues relating to pregnant young women and new mothers, concerns of working women, issues relating to dowry harassment, concerns of victims of eve teasing, molestation and rape and issues relating to old age care, besides other issues and concerns.
A lot is being done by the government machinery and agencies, and a huge role is being played by the community level NGOs in the alleviation efforts. The NGOs active in the field in this sector have been variously playing a role of a service provider, guide & counselor, trainer, interlocutor and advocacy partner.
MAANASI works at :
* Adoption Centre.
* SWADHAR Shelter Home
* Adolescent Girls Health Education Programme
* Health and Family Welfare Activities
* Services to Disabled Persons
* De-addiction Activities
* Gender Sensitization Activities
* Awareness on Legal Rights of Women
* Awareness on Consumer Rights
* Celebration of National and International Days