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  • maanasi ngo in lucknow
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Adoption Centre

VARDAN Shishugrih, Lucknow a unit of MAANASI has been nurturing the destitute, orphanage, desolated and abandoned children and has also been facilitating for legal adoption of child. 9 girls and 2 boys have been admitted in this year. 2 girls’ child and 1 boy child have been given in adoption after fulfilling the process of legal adoption and 3 girls child have been in foster care before adoption. A girl, who was found wandering, was hand-over to the respective family after seeking out her parent. 
The children, who were found in the conditions of destitute, desolated and orphanages in the Faizabad district, organization have initiative to provide protection and shelter. Lacking to the administrative assistance, the organization succeeded in only 2 cases out of 5. 
The organization has been continuously working towards establishment of Adoption Centre in Faizabad districts with assistance from Department of Women and Child, U.P. and U.P. Control Board. 
We have been raising awareness among the community for the effective implementation of Juvenile Justice Act. As regards a case is under legal consideration in the high court of Lucknow bench pertaining to Public Petition and Captive Presentation 
The operation of VARDAN Shishugrih and all the activities related are performed through our own resources.

Swadhar Shelter Home

MANASI has been operating a SWADHAR Shelter Home since October 2009 for the women who are living in difficult condition, deserted, desolated and destitute with a view to provide them shelter, proper counseling, guidance, rehabilitation and vocational training for self-reliance. 50 women have been resides in this center. Out of which 3 women have been rehabilitated to their respective family. One girl has been rehabilitated to her respective family after organizing her marriage. 2 women have been rehabilitated by the access of job and 6 women through self –employment on the recommendation of the organization. 

Adolescent Girls Health Education Programme

With support of Jhonson & Jhonson Ltd. around 25,000 girls of higher secondary schools of eastern districts of U.P. – Lakhimpur and Behraich – were educated and trained on reproductive health related issue personal hygiene, specially focused on menstruation health. 

Health and Family Welfare Activities

MAANASI have view that awareness on health and family welfare issues are as measures for empowerment of community. Accordingly, a group of following activities have been undertaken in rural Barabanki, Lakhimpur and Faizabad to meet out health and family welfare goals.

Special emphasis has been given on services related to girl child, women and AIDS.

MAANASI have been regularly working for increasing the level of accessibility to field level Government Health and Family Welfare Institutions and utilization of their services by community members.

To create active awareness among community members who happened to be in our contact for Government run Health and Family Welfare Programme.

Services to Disabled Persons

Like previous year, this year also with active support of renowned persons, Lohia Public School Samiti and Sahara Welfare Foundation. MAANASI help to 62 disabled persons to ease out some of their suffering. They were provided with some clippers and hearing aids. 

De-addiction Activities

MAANASI is a partner of anti tobacco campaign being organized by government and non-government organizations. We consider that tobacco consumption has been a major contributing factor in sustaining poverty, poor health and psychosomatic disorders in the family especially of women. We used to take this issue every month and invite active discussion in each village level monthly meeting. 

Gender Sensitization Activities

Like previous years, MAANASI has been working on female feticide and related issues in each of the ten identified villages of its operational area in Deva block. During monthly meeting our special emphasis has been given on sensitizing the women members of the community by presenting facts, figures and consequences of female feticide. 

Awareness on Legal Rights of Women

MAANASI organized awareness and legal support camps from women’s day to full week in Deva block of Barabanki district. In camps we raised the issue of ‘Domestic Violence’ with field level NGO functionaries and Advocates. 36 women victims of domestic violence were counseled by social workers and advocates. 

Awareness on Consumer Rights

Our activities on this issue have been started since 2000. We have formed small local groups of community members for awareness on consumer rights. Organizing discussions and local campaign for raising awareness. 

Celebration of National and International Days

MAANASI is of the view of going along with national and international level consciousness raising activities for development programmes. Accordingly, it has already made a point to celebrate-cum-observe days of National and International importance. Besides, active involvement on these days, MAANASI also celebrated and organized get together meetings like Holi Milan, Id celebration etc. as well as before. 
MAANASI have view that awareness on health and family welfare issues are as measures for empowerment. Support Us >> Maanasi Donation Form
Donation to Maanasi are exempted under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act in India
Our Partners : Vardanshishugriha, Sahyog, Garden Care, Nirman